IEA EBC Annex 75 Webinar: Combining the heating and cooling potential of lakes and rivers with energy efficiency measures in buildings at district level

September 23, 2020, 2:30 - 5:30 PM CET
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

Webinar Programme

14:30   Welcome to participants

Introduction  to the topic

Roman Bolliger, INDP

15:00   Heat pumps in thermal networks based on energy from surface water
Diego Hangartner, HSLU

Strategies for exploiting the heating and cooling potential of lakes or rivers in the city of Luzern
Reto Kuhn, ewl

Strategies for exploiting the heating and cooling potential of lakes or rivers in the city of Zürich
Annette Kern-Ulmer, ewz

  Topics addressed in the presentations on Luzern and Zürich:
- Which strategies do the presenting energy companies have for exploiting the heating and cooling potential of lakes or rivers?
- Which obstacles have been faced, how have they been overcome so far, and which remain?
- To what extent have energy efficiency measures of buildings already been taken into account? What future prospects do you see for combining heating and cooling based on energy from lakes and rivers with energy efficiency measures of buildings?
- How can building owners be engaged to support the implementation of related strategies?

16:00  Discussion
17:00 End of webinar

Main target audience: Staff members of city administrations or other administrations, energy companies, research institutes, associations or engineering/consulting companies are cordially invited to take part.

Registration: Register here. The link for participation will be sent to registered participants. The number of participants is limited.

Costs: The webinar is free of charge.

Contact: Roman Bolliger at +41 41 210 07 10